What's New with HealthCheck
Key Updates
- District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS) Early Stages Screening and Evaluation provides free screenings and evaluations for developmental delays and disabilities in children ages 2 years 8 months to 5 years 10 months. Anyone can refer a child for a developmental screening or evaluation. Parental consent is required before beginning an evaluation.
- Check out our 2024 updated brochure: HealthCheck Brochure for Families (English and Spanish). This brochure, designed for families, explains the services covered under HealthCheck and provides contact information for families to recieve these services.
- Lead Poisoning Prevention Toolkit. This toolkit from the DC Department of Energy and Environment has been carefully curated to equip our partners and stakeholders with the necessary resources and information to actively engage in the campaign and promote lead poisoning prevention within our community. Also read the DC Transmittal on Lead Screening and Reporting Requirements in DC for FY24.
- DC Lead Registry Demo Video. This training, developed in collaboration with CRISP DC and the Department of Energy and Environment (DOEE), focuses on the use of the newly launched CRISP DC Lead Registry. For more information on the registry, contact Emmanuel C. Ofoche at [email protected]. Also see the the accompanying DC Lead Registry User Guide. For access to the DC Lead Registry via CRISP, email [email protected].
- Immunization Portal on the Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE). This webpage provides information for schools (DC laws, regulations, and policies); information for families (FAQs, outreach materials, and factsheets); and additional information (contact information and COVID-19 resources).
- DC Health Search helps residents and visitors find primary care facilities in the District of Columbia. Users can enter a address to search for nearby primary care centers within a mile or up to 10 miles. Also, use this web map to search by Ward or Advisory Neighborhood Commissions (ANC).
- Find a map of DC Pediatric Immunization Locations that include those that accept Medicaid.
- See the DC Medicaid HealthCheck Periodicity Schedules! (Health and Dental) and HealthCheck Outreach Materials (English and Spanish) | Read the official Transmittal describing the periodicity update.
Mental Health News
- Understanding Pediatric ADHD in Integrated Care Settings. This training will focus on strategies to engage families in the treatment of ADHD as well as exploring the seven areas of executive functioning and common neuro divergences in people with ADHD. We will discuss some special considerations to identifying and treating ADHD and provide information on accomodations to suggest to families seeking a 504 Plan in school.
- The Behavioral Health Initiative is a collaborative partnership between Children’s National Hospital and the Pediatric Health Network that aims to develop a comprehensive strategy to address mental and behavioral health needs in our regional primary care practice network. The Resources for Providers section of the website contains a comprehensive list of free mental and behavioral health tools that are available for primary care providers in Washington, D.C., Maryland, and Virginia.
- ZERO TO THREE’s Diagnostic Classification of Mental Health and Developmental Disorders of Infancy and Early Childhood (DC:0-5) Billing Crosswalk Available for Use in Infant & Early Childhood Mental Health (IECMH). This fact sheet provides information about and easy access to ZERO to THREE’s Diagnostic Classification of Mental Health and Developmental Disorders of Infancy and Early Childhood Version 2.0 (DC:0-5™) billing crosswalk. The DC:0–5™ is a system for classification of mental health and developmental disorders established to provide developmentally appropriate diagnostic criteria for mental health disorders in infants and young children. Providers trained in the DC:0-5™ can use this crosswalk to facilitate reimbursement for infant and early childhood mental health evaluation and diagnosis.
- Roadmap for Advancing Family-Engaged Developmental Monitoring. This tool is designed to build a foundational understanding of what family-engaged developmental monitoring is, how programs can utilize it, and how it fits into an overall framework of children’s healthy development and family well-being.
- PCP Mental Health Education Resources from the Children’s National Hospital / MedStar Georgetown Mental Health Access Program Collaboration. For CDC and AAPs new developmental milestones (2 months - 5 years), see CDC's Learn the Signs, Act Early Developmental Milestones.
- School Mental Health In Washington, DC. This landing page provides videos and resources on DC's behavioral health services for children and youth in public and public charter schools, DC's current Comprehensive Expansion in School Behavioral Health, and the role of the DC School Behavioral Health Community of Practice to support the Expansion in schools across the city.
- Child & Adolescent Mental Health Resource Guide for use by pediatric primary care providers in the Washington, DC area. This guide aims to provide a comprehensive listing of community behavioral health resources for children and adolescents in the District of Columbia. This latest version includes information about the operating status of agencies during the COVID-19 pandemic along with updated information related to the DC Medicaid managed care organizations, including searchable filters for CareFirst Community Health Plan DC and Medstar Family Choice MCOs.
- Autism Spectrum Disorders Toolkit for Pediatric Primary Care Providers in the District of Columbia. This toolkit focuses specifically on supporting children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and their families, by providing primary care providers with the tools to help families navigate the developmental disabilities landscape in Washington, DC.
- CDC's Autism Case Training: a free introductory course designed to help primary health care providers gain knowledge and skills to improve early identification of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and ensure timely and appropriate care.
- DC MAP (Mental health Access in Pediatrics) is a program aimed at improving mental health integration within pediatric primary care. The website offers links to consultation, training, referrals, education, and medication reviews.
Oral Health News
- The Connecting Kids to Coverage National Campaign wants to remind families that with Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) coverage, children and teens up to age 19 can receive the necessary dental care, including regular check-ups, x-rays, fluoride treatments, dental sealants, and fillings, to keep them healthy and smiling. The Campaign offers a variety of resources:
Twitter and Facebook graphics are available in English and Spanish to share on social media.
Tip sheet with advice on sharing dental health education materials.
Find a Dentist tool to locate a dentist in their area that accepts Medicaid and CHIP.
- Materials specifically for expectant mothers, toddlers, and children with special needs on their Oral Health Initiative page.
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