DC HealthCheck Resources
DC Medicaid HealthCheck Periodicity Schedules
The DC Medicaid HealthCheck Periodicity Schedule follows the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) health recommendations in consultation with the local medical community. The recommendations are for the care of children who have no manifestation of any important health problems. Additional visits or interperiodic screens may become necessary if circumstances suggest the need for more screens, i.e., medical conditions, referral by parent, Head Start, DC Public Schools, Early Intervention Programs. If a child comes under care for the first time at any point on the schedule, or if any items are not done at the suggested age, the schedule should then be brought up to date as soon as possible.
- Read the DHCF transmittal on EPSDT Periodicity Schedule Updates and the Importance of Mental Health and Vision/Hearing Screenings.
- Periodicity Schedule: PDF Version: (2021 update; 2 pages; front and back)
The DC Medicaid HealthCheck Dental Periodicity Schedule follows the American Academy of Pediatrics Dentistry Periodicity Schedule oral health recommendations in consultation with the local dental community. This schedule is designed for the care of children who have no contributing medical conditions and are developing normally. The DC HealthCheck Dental Periodicity Schedule will be modified for children with special health care needs or if disease or trauma manifests variations from normal.
- Dental Periodicity Schedule (revised 2020; 2
pages; front and back)
- Read the official Tranmittal describing the update
- DHCF's Transmittal on Reimbursement to trained primary care providers for fluoride varnish application for patients under three years of age.