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*District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS) Early Stages Screening and Evaluation

Are you a medical provider seeking to refer a child for a developmental screening or evaluation? 
Are you a parent and/or guardian seeking a developmental screening or evaluation for your child? 
Are you a community member seeking to refer a child for a developmental screening or evaluation? 
Are you looking for a free developmental screening and evaluation for a child? 

Early Stages provides free screenings and evaluations for developmental delays and disabilities in children ages 2 years 8 months to 5 years 10 months. Anyone can refer a child for a developmental screening or evaluation. Parental consent is required before beginning an evaluation. 

How can I refer a child to Early Stages? 
The best way to refer a child to Early Stages is to complete the online referral form found here. You can also submit a referral form by: 

  • Call (202) 698-8037 

The Early Stages referral form is also available in Spanish, Amharic, Vietnamese, French, and Mandarin. Download the referral form below. 

What if the child I want to refer for a screening and evaluation is not between the ages of 3 to 5? 
Early Stages can only screen and evaluate children aged 2 years 8 months to 5 years 10 months. For older children enrolled in DCPS or charter schools, contact the child’s school. For older children enrolled in private or religious schools, refer to the DCPS Central IEP Team. For children under 2 years 8 months, refer to Strong Start DC.  

What happens after I submit a referral? 
Early Stages will contact the child’s parent for a short screening. This screening can be conducted in-person, by phone, or by video conference call. During the screening, Early Stages will use the Ages and Stages Questionnaire to ask the parent questions about the child’s development and medical history. Early Stages may request to speak to the child’s other caregivers, such as you or other doctors, and may request certain documents, such as medical records. After the screening, Early Stages will provide special education resources and discuss the need for further evaluation with the parent. To learn more about the screening and evaluation process at Early Stages, please click here. Upon obtaining the parent’s consent, Early Stages will provide feedback to you regarding the outcome of the referral.

What if I have additional questions? 
For commonly asked questions, please visit the Early Stages’ FAQ page found here. You can also contact Early Stages by phone at 202-698-8037 or by emailing [email protected]

Important! Know Your Rights  
To learn about your rights and procedural safeguards, please click here.